1935 Vision Fund: Elevating Our Mission

Your Donation Today Builds Tomorrow: Every Dollar Brings Us Closer to a National Headquarters that Empowers Future Generations!

1935 Vision Fund: Elevating Our Mission image

Our Legacy, Our Mission: Empowering African American Women Since 1935

In 1935, seven visionary women came together with a shared purpose: to promote and protect the interests of African American business and professional women. These founders—bold, determined, and forward-thinking—laid the foundation for what has become the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. (NANBPWC, Inc.). Their mission was clear: to promote and protect the interests of African American business and professional women, to serve as a bridge for young people seeking to enter business and the professions, and to improve the quality of life in the local and global communities.

Today, nearly 90 years later, that mission remains as vital and urgent as ever. The challenges may have evolved, but the need to support and elevate African American business and professional women is just as critical now as it was then. Our founders' vision inspires us to push boundaries, break barriers, and create opportunities for future generations.

As we strive to complete work based on our mission, we are reminded of the importance of having a space that reflects the strength and resilience of our members. Our national headquarters should not only serve as a hub for our national operations but also as a beacon of the progress and achievements of African American women across the country. The national headquarters will serve as a dynamic hub for economic development initiatives that foster leadership, entrepreneurship, and technology, empowering the next generation of African American business and professional women.

We invite you to contribute to our campaign to honor the legacy of our seven founders. A monthly recurring gift of $19.35 or even a one time donation, symbolizing our founding year, will help us build a future that upholds the principles and dreams they envisioned. Together, we can elevate our mission, strengthen our community, and ensure that the voices of African American business and professional women continue to be heard.

Let's continue building a legacy—join us in elevating our mission today.


T.O. Ford, Ph.D.
25th National President/CEO
The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.
"Moving Forward With A Purpose: Exceeding the Vision, Breaking Barriers, and Empowering Change!"
email: nationalpresident@nanbpwc.org